Jun 19, 2007

Whatever you decide to do with your life is your choice.

To have a desire to go outside of your present relationship
is a self-esteem issue. There's NO excuse to seek outside relief when
you are in a present relationship. Before you try to justify to me why you have more than
one sexual partner, please save it because I do not want to debate. I am only speaking of what going on in my
inner thoughts and what my experiences are and I voice them. I am only judging myself.

I have never understood responses of I'm just dating. I
can respect someone more if they say, I enjoy fucking, I enjoy
having orgasms and I am a mutual giver and receiver of orgasms. I
want to enjoy them with you. I do not want to be your boy friend, girlfriend
wife or even your friend. I want to fuck, I want to fuck at least twice a week or on the regular
if possible let me know what you can handle. We can decide how to make it happen.
Your place, my place, a local hotel, the park, wherever!

Even if it's in their mind that it's more than a date. Most of the
times, men are more clear on what they want from relationships. I am not saying women are weak
I find that women get more wrapped up in the sex and link it with feelings and shit. The one thing
that makes men say what the fuck!

I've known quite a few men who are very content with just fucking. If
the fuck game is on point then everything else is too. Why mess up
the situation with the L word (LOVE) that shit is kryptonite to weak
ass people. Notice I say weak ass people. When they hear the word LOVE they either
flight or fight. I am not judging men or women. Trust me, everything of
what I think and speak is a direct reflection on my own inner issues.

I have come to realize that this is the most judgemental society out there.
We have to be judgemental to a length I'm sure. Like for instance, you would not just go and fuck some
homeless person you saw on the street would you? NO right? But, why not?
Because of your morals, it's nasty, they may have diseases?
Whatever you decide to do with your life is your choice.

I have fucked people who were single, married, lesbians,
bi-sexual, bi-curious whatever type of people you want to call them.
One thing I have come to realize, EVERYONE is bi-sexual. I am not
saying that a man wants to or will fuck a man but, the thought has
crossed their minds or has been brought up in a conversation at least
once in their lives. Even if it was a molestation type of situation.
If a man wants to see his woman with another woman or man then he is
bi-sexual. I am getting a headache because i'm not explaining this
right and i would hate for you to think i'm calling you gay or
whatever the stereotype is.

I have fucked people who SWORE up and down that they were STRAIGHT
they were not gay, they just loved me. they just like me. they just
liked being fucked by me. they just enjoy the way i fuck them or
whatever way they put it. I am mad at myself for not delving deeper with them the reasons
for justifying being fucked by someone who could care less of how they really felt deep down inside.

1 comment:

DivineLavender said...

Do what you enjoy....fuck everyone else (maybe I mean that literally!)


I am first on all your shit!

*doing the whop!*