Jul 26, 2007

Burnt out.

Well, it finally happened. I have hit a wall. I am burnt out. I find myself going in circles trying to do way too much.

I have some true blogging friends and I haven't been able to view and post like I have wanted to. For that, I'm sorry.

I promise to do better. I'm not lurking. I promise.

I need to get myself together. I do not want to feel burnt out anylonger. I guess I need a break.

Jul 21, 2007

True Friends

True Friends

Are the ones who will tell you what you NEED to hear. Not what you WANT to hear. Even if it brings you to tears for 15 straight minutes. It's for your own damn good.

Trust me.

Jul 20, 2007

Sex is an activity!

I view sex as an activity something
that should never be linked to love. Dammit, I confused that shit up
so many times it ain't funny. I pretty much chalked it up that men
with dicks are the most disgusting human beings on the planet. I
guess much of that just suppressed in my inner most being. I
contiuned to fuck boys, men, whatever you want to call them. I can
count on my ONE hand the real men who know the power of their dicks.
After watching Ms. Tylor, I am convinced on this shit.
Hell, anyone can fuck, you know the saying two pumps and a cum and
you're done! Don't get me wrong, dont' think i'm here bashing men or
dicks or pussies, or anything like that. Because I am not!

I am coming to terms that I have never discovered the responsible way
on dealing with sexuality. I am here to say, I have never experienced
a MIND blowing ORGASM! I've had some good ones, but, I've never had
one that was on the brain that I could NOT function. I never realized
that it was NOT the person's job I was fucking to give me that mind
blowing orgasm. it was my responsibility. it is YOUR responsibility
to get that MIND blowing orgasm. DAMMIT it took me almost 2 decades
to finally realize this?

I have the ability to entice, lie, seduce, reject, hate, deceive,
listen, love, cherish, nurture, and...........there's more but, I have
a headache so, I'll move on the next thought.

TRUE Love and Hate are one in the same. I believe a person who truly
loves has the same ability to use the same energy for hate. People
are able to deceive others because they have learned from the best.
The best are those who once deceived the deceiver. It's a never
ending cycle. A gift that keeps on giving and giving. One day
someone in this world will take a stand and say no more. Until then,
we will all continue to lead this path of self-destruction.

Before you can seek love and approval from others you have to first be
sure to love and approve yourself. Making the decision to go outside
of your present relationship is a very life changing experience. If
you think you'll never be forever changed because of it, then you are

The reason why people choose to have self-destructing lives are
because of low self-esteem and childhood experiences that have never
been addressed. Most often, childhood scars are so deep, they are
covered for so many years and come out in the form of other
self-destructive signs and situations. I would never make excuses for
child abusers, molesters or any one who decides to take advantage of
the innocent. I am aware that the cycle began a long time ago.

I'm tired now, so I will end this now.

Jul 19, 2007

Treat everything you encounter as a teachable moment.

Treat everything you encounter as a teachable moment.

If you can't
ride a bike
drive a car
hold a conversation of meaning
or anything......

ask someone you trust to show you how. if they laugh or shame you then be thankful you know they are not a true friend and cut them the fuck off.

We are not perfect. Everyone has to learn from someone or somewhere. Why not open your mind and be honest that everyone is teachable.

Jul 14, 2007


I had to be clear with females in my life. Just because I fuck women does NOT mean that I want to fuck you. If you want to label it, I'm bi-sexual. I hate labels. I love to fuck. I know how to fuck. I am good at what I do.

I prefer to fuck women because I have one regular dick in my life and the dick is clean, good reliable and on point.
I choose to fuck women because there's so much more to explore and the emotional part of it is undescribable. I do not want to fuck every woman I see.

This reminds of something that happened back in the day, I still laugh when I think about it...

The girl I was fucking (scorpio) was over one day and my other friend (aries) came by. She is the most straight laced of all my friends. Well, I never ever told her about me and scorp all she knew was scorp was my friend and we hung out.

Well, this one day, Scorp and I were about to do the dang thang and Aries stopped by without calling!

Now I'm not sure about you but, I hate when mother fuckers think it's ok to just come the fuck by without calling.

Needless to say, Scorp answered the door and said, you have to come back later, we're about to fuck! Aries, was like huh, what? Dumbfounded and left.

Well, after that day, Aries and I weren't the same. She said, that was a rude way of telling her that I was a LESBO. Yes, the bitch called me a LESBO. She went on to say how did she know that I wasn't looking at her like that. She even went on to let me know that she was not that type of girl! HaHa...

I had to sit her down and explain to her that while I greatly enjoy fucking women and I've fucked quite a few women in my time, she is ONE person that I would NEVER EVER EVER dream of fucking. I value our friendship, I care deeply for you but, it has never even crossed my mind to fuck you. We don't even hug, think about it. If I ever fucked you, things would never ever be the same. You would be hooked. I would never want that. I know the type of person she is. She is a needy person. One lick and she would be stuck on me like bandaid brand and I was not having it.

Well, after a few months the bitch had the nerve to say she was CURIOUS. I stopped speaking to her gradually and to this day we speak maybe once or twice a year. Why the fuck you think it's ok to decide to 'come out the closet' to me now? What kind of shit is that. Are you fucked up in your mind or what?

Jul 13, 2007

Dating or Fucking--There is a difference

Dating or Fucking
There is a difference

Dating or Just Fucking. There is a difference.

When will we stop with the bullshit and get real with ourselves? What
is the purpose of having so many sexual partners or mind fucking so
many people? It's because it's an enjoyable experience. We LOVE to do it and have NO desire to stop.

I had a female to tell me one time that she did not want me to think she was a freak. I asked why not? she said
no one wants to be labeled as a freak. Well, after a few minutes of chatting with her and explaining to her that a freak is not a bad thing, she clearly understands my point. So after I fucked the bitch, she is a true freak in every sense of the word.
Hah! To think she did not want to be thought of as a freak was mind boggling to me. I know that I am a freak, people who I have fucked, know that I am a freak and I require a level of freakness from them as well. I mean if they are not a freak, what is the purpose? Fuck and Enjoy it. Stop trying to justify it. Request only the good shit though. Weak ass fucks are a waste of my time and my time is precious.

I make that shit clear ahead of time. That's probably why I haven't had many fuck partners. First impressions are lasting impressions. I work off the referral system too. I prefer to fuck people that people have fucked and they know are good fucks. Call me crazy, I will say thank you but, I dont' waste my time with new peopel who claim they can fuck and come to find out they can't. I have been known to cuss amotherfucker over some weak fucking.

Jul 11, 2007

It's not your fault

If you were ever touched in an innapropriate manner in any point and time in your life, I'm here to tell you that it's not your fault.

Many of your life decisions are stemming from that molested behaviour though. You have to seek help to sort through the past.
Your insurance covers therapist visits, take advantage of it. If you don't like your therapist seek a new one. Ask for referrals, ask a trusted friend who they see. People are more willing to share their positive experiences. Everyone needs a good therapist in their lives.

It's better to tell a damn stranger your life story than a friend. That's just my opinion I could and am probably dead wrong for saying it but, one thing I know for sure, everything I tell my therapists is confidential except for that one time I told her I wanted to kill myself and I was in the padded rooom for 72 hours. FUCK!

Jul 10, 2007

Narcs Mind Part One

I need to get some shit off my chest.
Anything I write should be realized that it's my shit and my thoughts. If you're offended then X the browser now.