Aug 12, 2007

Can you experience a TRUE

orgasm from anal sex? i just watched that fat man scoop website and the wife was talking about getting one of those dildos that you back up on! huh? what? i'm lost. nevermind.


T2S Entertainment said...

An erogenous zone is an area of the human body that has heightened sensitivity and stimulation of which normally results in sexual response. Depending on the individual, this could include any and all areas of a woman's (and man's) body.

So in conclusion, the answer 2 ur question is...HELL YEAH!!!!.

DivineLavender said...

Anal is all types of special....

I mean, I ain't gay but hell I understand wanting a dick in your ass. I get it. I know that shit feels so good!

Gay men get it all the time....either giving it (your ass is generally always tighter than your pussy), or getting it.

Being a freak is wonderful!

I want some anal now!
