Aug 29, 2007

It's just a fuck thing.

As soon as you decide to get over and move on, your phone will begin to ring off the hook and messages will start flowing. It's up to you on how you will decide to handle it. So far so good, I'm keeping my cool and sitting back to see how all of this plays out.

I swear, this is the hardest situation I've been in, in a LONG time. At least now I feel more in charge of how things are going to go down.

Funny how I keep chanting, it's just a fuck thing, it's just a fuck thing, stay focused. It's just a fuck thing. At least for him it is. Now if only I can keep this in the forefront of my thinking and keep my feelings in check. Making sure to focus on this then things will be ok.

When I feel myself slipping back into the foolishness, I just keep chanting, it's just a fuck thing! Geez, I'm tired.

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