Jul 13, 2007

Dating or Fucking--There is a difference

Dating or Fucking
There is a difference

Dating or Just Fucking. There is a difference.

When will we stop with the bullshit and get real with ourselves? What
is the purpose of having so many sexual partners or mind fucking so
many people? It's because it's an enjoyable experience. We LOVE to do it and have NO desire to stop.

I had a female to tell me one time that she did not want me to think she was a freak. I asked why not? she said
no one wants to be labeled as a freak. Well, after a few minutes of chatting with her and explaining to her that a freak is not a bad thing, she clearly understands my point. So after I fucked the bitch, she is a true freak in every sense of the word.
Hah! To think she did not want to be thought of as a freak was mind boggling to me. I know that I am a freak, people who I have fucked, know that I am a freak and I require a level of freakness from them as well. I mean if they are not a freak, what is the purpose? Fuck and Enjoy it. Stop trying to justify it. Request only the good shit though. Weak ass fucks are a waste of my time and my time is precious.

I make that shit clear ahead of time. That's probably why I haven't had many fuck partners. First impressions are lasting impressions. I work off the referral system too. I prefer to fuck people that people have fucked and they know are good fucks. Call me crazy, I will say thank you but, I dont' waste my time with new peopel who claim they can fuck and come to find out they can't. I have been known to cuss amotherfucker over some weak fucking.

1 comment:

DivineLavender said...

Weak fucks get the MULE KICK IN DA BALLS!

I say all weak fucks be sent to Iraq to fight instead of decent human beings.

That is my solution to war...I bet folks will straighten up their fuck game.

Fuck Right or Ship Da Fuck OUT!